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Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Sun is Shining

August 2nd, 2007

Cubs; WGN 9; 2:20 PM ET; vs. Phillies; Sean Marshall, 5-4, 3.10 ERA, vs. Lohse, 6-12, 4.58 ERA

Ah, yes, the sun is shining. Well, actually, it is a quite overcast day. But that was sort of a metaphorical comment any how. I meant the sun is shining on the Cubs, who yesterday, finally tied the Brewers in first place, and are technically 1st place due to winning percentage. The Brewers have a .537 WP and the Cubs have a .538 WP, placing them in 1st place if the season ended today.

The good thing is that right now the Brewers are playing the Mets. If they lose and the Cubs win, hello sole-possesion of 1st place. Nothing could ruin my mood. Except seeing the Cubs get mutilated by the Phillies in game 4 of the set. As long as we don't fall behind 7-1 in the 3rd I'll be OK (Just Kidding, that's so unlikely).



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